Feb. 1 – Feb. 7: SJW News Update

This Sunday, on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Mike Huckabee said asking Christians to accept gay marriage is as ridiculous as “asking someone who’s Jewish to start serving bacon-wrapped shrimp in their deli.” A lawsuit was filed on Wednesday, asking the New York Supreme Court to legalize “death with dignity” assisted-suicide for terminally-ill patients in the wake of the Brittany Maynard case. Maynard was a 29-year-old with a brain tumor, who recently spoke out about her move from California to Oregon, so that she could legally end her life.

A former frat brother calls for the end of fraternities, citing that most in the modern day are havens for sexual assault and misogyny that merely perpetuate boys being boys.

The U.S. House of Representatives has voted yet again to repeal the Affordable Care Act, instead approving a motion that would repeal the legislation and task oversight committees to develop an alternative.

Bruce Jenner of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” was recently outed as transgender by In Touch magazine in a cover story many are calling tasteless. To the set the record straight, Jenner will be interviewed by Diane Sawyer and will discuss his upcoming docu-series on his transition.

The Obama administration’s 2016 budget features a “pre-school for all” initiative to expand access to quality pre-k education. Some experts say that such early education and intervention can decrease crime, improve college graduation rates, and lead to earning higher wages.

Researchers from the University of Minnesota and New York University have found that the introduction of Craigslist in new towns is correlated with higher occurrences of HIV.

Super Bowl viewers were upset about a Nationwide Insurance commercial that aired during the game, which centered upon childhood accidents and deaths. One father thinks the commercial wasn’t just a downer, but an exploitation of children and grief.

A new study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development says that diminishing the education gap between the U.S.’s poorest and wealthiest students could result in a higher G.D.P. and an overall better economy.

What are YOU paying attention to this week? Let us know your thoughts on these events and more in the comments section below. 

Written By: Hope Houston Feature Image: (Lionel Hahn/Abaca Press/MCT)

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